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New Employee

Welcome to the Pro Karts team

Have you completed our staff information, this form collects all your important details like your Bank Account, IRD number, Tax code, Kiwi saver etc. If you haven't filled out this form yet click on the link

You will be required to download the following apps:

  1. Deputy (Roster)

  2. WorkPlace (Communications)

  3. WorkChat (Communications)


The 3 apps are used daily at Pro Karts.



Deputy is our rostering app you can clock-in and out, submit all breaks and request leave.



WorkPlace is our internal communications platform that works much like Facebook but is completely private to our business. You will be set up a user account and sent an invite to your email.


If you have not received an invite please let Nick or a manager know ASAP.



WorkChat once you have created your WorkPlace account you can log into WorkChat. WorkChat is like messenger and is used for direct messaging and calling staff groups or individuals.

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